Menopause refers to that time in every woman’s life when menstruation ceases completely. The ovaries’ output of estrogen and progesterone diminishes severely. In addition to signifying the end of a woman’s ability to have children, changing hormone levels affect the entire endocrine system. This is a process that takes approximately three to five years. Menopause is considered complete when a woman has had no periods for a full year. Although timing varies from woman to woman, menopause is generally complete in the early fifties.

In addition to diminished levels of estrogen and progesterone, testosterone levels (also produced in the ovaries) decrease during menopause. Changing hormone levels affect the entire endocrine system that controls growth, metabolism, and reproduction. The decrease of hormone levels during menopause affects the breasts, vagina, bones, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and skin.

Common Symptoms of Menopause

The reduction of a woman’s hormonal output results in changes that can seriously affect her physical and mental health span. Below are some of the most common symptoms of menopause and that can be benefitted by a personalized age management and hormone replacement program.

Hot flashes:

Hot flashes are considered to be a direct result of decreasing estrogen levels. Hormone modulation can prevent or at least relieve hot flashes that can linger for years.

Vaginal/Urinary Tract Changes:

Dryness, thinning and loss of elasticity of the walls of the vagina can make intercourse uncomfortable. Similar tissue changes in the urinary tract can contribute to incontinence and leave some women susceptible to urinary tract infections.

Loss of Libido:

The waning of her premenopausal level of testosterone can be a contributing factor to a woman’s loss of desire for sexual intercourse. Hormone modulation, including testosterone, can increase a woman’s sexual desire and enjoyment and help maintain normal body composition and energy.

Emotional Changes:

Though factors such as lifestyle, alteration of family roles, changing social networks and “emptying the nest” affect ones mood, it is important to note that the loss of hormones can contribute intensely to the emotional changes of menopausal women. Hormone modulation can stabilize hormone levels that stimulate natural coping mechanisms.


Osteoporosis is a manifestation of the insufficiency of estrogen and other hormones. It is a gradual, yet debilitating condition in which bones become fragile, thin, and prone to fracture. Osteoporosis is not only a woman’s disease; however, it is more common in women. Those with a history of osteoporosis and those who are thin and fair skinned seemed to be more at risk. It is now estimated that one out of every two menopausal women will suffer to some degree of osteoporosis. Building up bone density prior to menopause is the best strategy for osteoporosis prevention; however, once menopause has occurred, the most effective therapy is hormone modulation. The National Institute on Aging has said, “Remarkably, estrogen saves more bone tissue than even very large daily doses of calcium.” Hormone modulation and optimizing nutrition with phytonutrients and supplementary calcium and Vitamin D have been very promising therapies.

While it’s normal to experience a loss of mental sharpness, endurance, libido, emotional well-being, physical health, or defenses against illness, the good news is that most of these natural symptoms can be prevented or reduced with the right proactive steps. Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a natural, and medically accepted treatment targeted to prevent disease, combat the symptoms of aging, manage mood, and improve weight management. Unlike synthetic estrogen and progesterone, which have been found to dramatically increase the risk of breast cancer, the use of natural hormones does not increase breast cancer risk (as reported by Breast Cancer Research & Treatment in 2007). The Center for Modern Aging’s female BHRT programs are specifically customized to your body based on your symptoms and laboratory findings.

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