testosterone replacement therapy

About Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

The board-certified medical providers perform treatments utilizing Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) by taking a small sample of the patient’s blood, purifying it through a centrifuge to isolate the platelets and then re-injecting the solution back into the face or body. This works to address concerns like wrinkles around the mouth, decreased volume of the cheeks, scarring, and inactive hair follicles.

Patients also benefit from PRP as it carries the added advantage of using components from a patient’s own body, therefore, reducing the likelihood of allergy or adverse reactions following treatment. Always on the cutting edge of skin care technology, our providers continue to study the latest PRP research and offer treatment in conjunction with a growing number of dermatological procedures.

PRP and Micro-Needling

The latest facial rejuvenation procedure is the Vampire Facelift® which combines the power of new PRP technology and facial fillers to minimize the signs of facial aging. This non-surgical procedure promotes new tissue growth to improve overall facial skin tone for a more youthful appearance.

This effective treatment uses blood drawn from the patient which is then spun in a centrifuge to extract platelet-rich plasma from their blood. The PRP is combined with a facial filler such as Belotero® Balance or Juvéderm®, and then re-injected into areas of concern around the face. Patients benefit from this procedure as there is minimal downtime and results can last for over a year. For more information on facial rejuvenation through Platelet Rich Plasma injections, fat transfer, facial fillers, or the Vampire Facelift® contact our office today.

PRP and Hair Restoration

The Center for Modern Aging is committed to utilizing the powerful growth factors within PRP and if you’re struggling with hair loss, look no further! We utilize PRP for hair restoration through a micro-needling treatment of the scalp to address inactive hair follicles.

The micro-needling causes micro-trauma to the dermis and prompts the cells to engage in the natural healing process of the damaged cells. The injected PRP containing the valuable growth factors are released into the areas to stimulate that healing process while simultaneously accelerating the speed and degree of regeneration of the damaged tissue. This PRP technique can induce hair growth in inactive follicles as well as follicles newly implanted through hair transplant surgery.